Saturday 21 May 2011

An Ass Hole For a Day

Let's face it, everyone is an ass hole underneath it all. There are things we all think and feel that we probably think better not to show or say because it might hurt someone elses feelings or cause a ruckus. Of course some people are much worse than others, but hey, it's all a part of that dark side we have as humans. My next wish is...

#26. Be an ass hole for a whole 24 hours

Basically, I'd like to just have one day to say exactly what I think when I think it using no tact at all. With no regard to who or how many people there are or if its a kid or someones grandma. I just want to say it. Not only that but I wanna do those things I usually tell myself I shouldn't- like slapping some girls ass as she walks by, or sticking my foot out in front of some kid bicycling by. I just, want to let those urges fly.

It's just really hard to work up the guts to do something like that... I mean really, it takes guts for some of us to just let go of the lines we've made for our selves. Of course it's not socially acceptable or "right", but for a day I want to just say go fuck yourself.

 I have a long list of people I'd like to talk to that day... fuck do I ever. I can't even say it here in case they should read this and then all of a sudden be on my ass with their drama. Which is something I'll definitely be harping about- those god dammed Drama Queens who do nothing but create their own bullshit. So, SO and SO slept with them? Have you counted how many of those you've slept with? Shut the fuck up and go bitch to someone else about how hard it is to keep your legs closed.

And then there are those retards on Facebook who have to post what they're doing every five minutes like the whole world cares and needs to know. "OMG, I'm wearing socks today." "Yay! I woke up this morning and now its time for breakfast." "Looks like I'm going to work today." "Work is boring now." "Can't wait til lunch." "Yay lunch with a coworker"

And then they go ahead and bitch at you because they're getting too many texts from face book because they're tagged in a photo that people happen to be commenting on. O.o RIght. Okay. Self centered much?

Anywho, I'll stop ranting now... I'd just really like to have a day of telling everyone off and doing what ever the fuck I feel like without worrying or feeling bad after.

Friday 20 May 2011

The Tool Belt

Whenever I see a tool/utility belt I always think "Wow, that person must be useful," and then I wonder on in my head about all the wonderful things they could do. Batman had a utility belt- look how awesome he is! And in comparison to all the other "heroes" out there, Batman does kick a lot of ass considering he doesn' have a super power... just that brilliant amazing Utility belt.  If a lesbian wore a tool belt, she'd be equipped with the latest orgasmo gear, right at her hips, ready to go-- no fumbling to the side of the bed to see what else she could use. Heheh... and me... if I had that belt... hm.

For the longest time, I felt like if I had that tool belt with an assortment of useful items, I'd suddenly be more powerful. I'd have unlocked some secret and have the magical item to fight off anything that might stand in my way. There's a bump in the road? Well, I have a hammer. You've got a screw loose? Well I have just the screw driver for that! I'd have the confidence I needed to carry out everything during the day. I'd suddenly be looked at like I was hard working and sexy (because tool belts are SEXY). And I could say "Fuck you" with attitude and they wouldn't know what to say any more, because I was all belt- like a special shield or armor. Because a tool belt is more than a belt full of tools, it's the way you walk suddenly, the way you talk, the way you defend your self, the way you are.

I'd day dream about the day I was bumped up from Cleaning to Maintenance... The day I would be able to respectably wear that tool belt. And here I am! I'm the maintenance girl, but without a belt for now. Right now I'm more or less just carrying around a laptop bag full of tools and screws like a gay carpenter. However... at the end of the month after my first pay day as a Maintenance gal... I will be able to purchase that tool belt.



Which is # 25 on my bucket list. :P

Thursday 5 May 2011

A Few Hobbies

So... I guess relating to the bucket list I have quite a few hobbies... one of them happens to be people watching while drinking Tim Hortons Coffee (Really, if I had a life time supply of that stuff, I'd be set/.. which reminds me #23. Visit Brazil for their amazing Coffee shots).

I like to sit, especially near water, gaze out into the distance and as people come by put on an appropriate voice and make up all the thoughts going on in their heads. The gay men always seem to be fighting about something, but quickly get over it, giggling at one another and moving onto another subject. The women always seem to be nitpicking at their husbands who seem to be gazing off into the distance, dreaming of greener pastures and tighter asses. The girls are always bitching about what so and so said and what they're going to do about that boy/man they happen to be involved with. It's always a cliche, but never boring...

Some Hobby right? So, I guess, next on my bucket list would be #24. to visit each Capital city in Canada and sit some where and people watch ( of course with a Timmies coffee!) .

St. John's
White Horse

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Welcome and Hello!

I guess for my first blog I'll explain what this shit is for. I've basically decided to create an ongoing, never ending bucket list and document it all here; what I want to do, what I'm doing, and what the hell. Sound exciting? Maybe not to you but it's pretty freaking exciting to me. Bwahahahahahah!

To kick us off to a good start, I'll list as much as I can remember from what I've already listed in the great abyss that is my medicated, psychotic brain. (This is of course in no particular order!)

 Note: Not all these are very Nice... I've got a great big Dual Nature, and I like evil things.

1.  Start a Bucket List
2. Take an art course
3. Learn to play guitar
4. Get my own art show
5. Get a car just to take up space in my parking space
6. Go to Norway
7. Learn to Speak Norwegian Fluently
8. Learn to speak (HAHA) Dutch
9. Visit a beard competition
10. See The Penis Monologues
11. Get Married and Divorced in One Year
12. Adopt a Child and give her a scary name
13. Go to an Anime Convention and only talk about how amazing Beyblade is while not knowing a thing about it (I've already never seen it =D)
14. Get my Nipples pierced
15. Get Hela Tattoos
16. Fashion the Perfect Sodomized Cupcake
17.  Get involved with a women only three plus some. :P
18. Convince a man I'm going to sleep with him, get all the way until he whips it out, start giggling and just leave. :P
19. Change my Name to Rextopherious Helasdottir
20. Attend a function for the Pentacostle Church
21. Take an Electricians Course
22. Get off the meds.