Saturday 21 May 2011

An Ass Hole For a Day

Let's face it, everyone is an ass hole underneath it all. There are things we all think and feel that we probably think better not to show or say because it might hurt someone elses feelings or cause a ruckus. Of course some people are much worse than others, but hey, it's all a part of that dark side we have as humans. My next wish is...

#26. Be an ass hole for a whole 24 hours

Basically, I'd like to just have one day to say exactly what I think when I think it using no tact at all. With no regard to who or how many people there are or if its a kid or someones grandma. I just want to say it. Not only that but I wanna do those things I usually tell myself I shouldn't- like slapping some girls ass as she walks by, or sticking my foot out in front of some kid bicycling by. I just, want to let those urges fly.

It's just really hard to work up the guts to do something like that... I mean really, it takes guts for some of us to just let go of the lines we've made for our selves. Of course it's not socially acceptable or "right", but for a day I want to just say go fuck yourself.

 I have a long list of people I'd like to talk to that day... fuck do I ever. I can't even say it here in case they should read this and then all of a sudden be on my ass with their drama. Which is something I'll definitely be harping about- those god dammed Drama Queens who do nothing but create their own bullshit. So, SO and SO slept with them? Have you counted how many of those you've slept with? Shut the fuck up and go bitch to someone else about how hard it is to keep your legs closed.

And then there are those retards on Facebook who have to post what they're doing every five minutes like the whole world cares and needs to know. "OMG, I'm wearing socks today." "Yay! I woke up this morning and now its time for breakfast." "Looks like I'm going to work today." "Work is boring now." "Can't wait til lunch." "Yay lunch with a coworker"

And then they go ahead and bitch at you because they're getting too many texts from face book because they're tagged in a photo that people happen to be commenting on. O.o RIght. Okay. Self centered much?

Anywho, I'll stop ranting now... I'd just really like to have a day of telling everyone off and doing what ever the fuck I feel like without worrying or feeling bad after.

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